
Number crunching for 2020 tax year

In [1]:
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib
%matplotlib notebook
from ipywidgets import *

# matplotlib.rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='g')
matplotlib.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
AGI Federal Tax Brackets Definitions
  • Gross Income(GI): Includes your wages, dividends, capital gains, business income, retirement distributions as well as other income

  • Adjustments to Income : contributions to retirement accounts (401K, IRA, HSA, etc), student loans, mortgage interest, etc

  • Adjusted Gross Income(AGI): Gross Income minus adjustments to income (deductions or exemptions). Also known as taxable income.

  • For single tax payers the standard deduction is $12,400

Lets make a piece wise equation from the table

In [2]:
AGI, GI, deductions = sp.symbols('AGI GI deductions')
AGI = GI - deductions

tax_fed=sp.Piecewise((0,                          AGI<0),
                     (0.10*AGI,                   AGI<=9875), 
                     (987.50  + 0.12*(AGI-9875),  AGI<=40125),
                     (4617.50 + 0.22*(AGI-40125), AGI<=85525),
                     (14605.5 + 0.24*(AGI-85525), AGI<=163000),
                     (33271.5 + 0.32*(AGI-163300),AGI<=207350),
                     (47367.5 + 0.35*(AGI-207350),AGI<=518400),
                     (156235  + 0.37*(AGI-518401),True))

$\displaystyle \begin{cases} 0 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions < 0 \\0.1 GI - 0.1 deductions & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 9875 \\0.12 GI - 0.12 deductions - 197.5 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 40125 \\0.22 GI - 0.22 deductions - 4210.0 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 85525 \\0.24 GI - 0.24 deductions - 5920.5 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 163000 \\0.32 GI - 0.32 deductions - 18984.5 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 207350 \\0.35 GI - 0.35 deductions - 25205.0 & \text{for}\: GI - deductions \leq 518400 \\0.37 GI - 0.37 deductions - 35573.37 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$

Let's look at Federal tax of a salaried employee taking the standard deduction

In [4]:
sp.plotting.plot(tax_fed.subs(deductions,STANDARD_DEDUCTION), (GI, 0, 500000),
                       title='Gross Income vs. Federal Income Tax Owed', ylabel='Fed Tax owed($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='blue')
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction

Different visual; Percentage of AGI paid to Federal Taxes

In [263]:
sp.plotting.plot(tax_fed.subs(deductions,STANDARD_DEDUCTION)/GI, (GI, 0, 500000),
                       title='% of GI payed to Federal Income Taxes', ylabel='%', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='blue')
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction

Salaried employees also owe payroll taxes (FICA): Social Security(OASDI) and Medicare(HI) taxes

In [5]:
ss_tax = sp.Piecewise((0.062*GI,  GI<137700),
                      (8537.4,    True))

medicare_tax = sp.Piecewise( (0.0145*GI,        GI<200000),
                            ((0.0145+0.009)*GI, True))

tax_FICA = ss_tax + medicare_tax
$\displaystyle \begin{cases} 0.0145 GI & \text{for}\: GI < 200000 \\0.0235 GI & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} + \begin{cases} 0.062 GI & \text{for}\: GI < 137700 \\8537.4 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
In [8]:
sp.plotting.plot(tax_FICA, (GI, 0, 500000),
                 title='FICA Tax vs Gross Income', ylabel='FICA Tax ($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='darkblue')
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction. No deductions can be made on FICA(?)")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction. No deductions can be made on FICA(?)

Combine Federal and FICA taxes

In [9]:
fed_and_FICA = tax_fed + tax_FICA
sp.plotting.plot(fed_and_FICA.subs(deductions,STANDARD_DEDUCTION), (GI, 0, 500000),
                       title='Fed + FICA Tax vs Gross Income', ylabel='Taxes owed($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='royalblue')
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction

View as a percentage:

In [10]:
plot4=sp.plotting.plot(fed_and_FICA.subs(deductions,STANDARD_DEDUCTION)/GI, (GI, 0, 500000),
                       title='% of GI paid to Fed + FICA', ylabel='% of GI', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='royalblue')
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction

View as take home pay (not considering state tax)

In [11]:
x = sp.symbols('x')
MAX_SALARY = 500000

post_tax_income = GI - fed_and_FICA.subs(deductions,STANDARD_DEDUCTION)
post_tax_plot=sp.plotting.plot(post_tax_income, (GI, 0, MAX_SALARY),
                       title='Gross & Take Home Pay', ylabel='Pay($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='royalblue', show=False)
no_fed_tax_plot = sp.plotting.plot(x, (x, 0, MAX_SALARY), line_color="teal", show=False)
print("NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction. Does not account for state tax")
NOTE: Single salaried employee taking the standard deduction. Does not account for state tax

Lets add state tax into the mix

(still single tax payer taking standard deduction)

In [12]:
state_tax_ny=sp.Piecewise((0,                            AGI<0),
                          (000.00  + 0.0400*(AGI-00.00), AGI<=8500), 
                          (340.00  + 0.0450*(AGI-8500),  AGI<=11700),
                          (484.50  + 0.0525*(AGI-11700), AGI<=13900),
                          (599.50  + 0.0590*(AGI-13900), AGI<=21400),
                          (1042.0  + 0.0621*(AGI-21400), AGI<=80650),
                          (4721.43 + 0.0649*(AGI-80650), AGI<=215400),
                          (13466.7 + 0.0685*(AGI-215400),AGI<1077550),
                          (72523.98+ 0.0882*(AGI-1077550), True))

state_tax_ca=sp.Piecewise((0,                             AGI<0),
                          (000.00   + 0.0100*(AGI-00.00), AGI<=8809), 
                          (88.090   + 0.0200*(AGI-8809),  AGI<=20883),
                          (329.57   + 0.0400*(AGI-20883), AGI<=32960),
                          (812.65   + 0.0600*(AGI-32960), AGI<=45753),
                          (1580.23  + 0.0800*(AGI-45753), AGI<=57824),
                          (2545.91  + 0.0930*(AGI-57824), AGI<=295373),
                          (24637.97 + 0.0103*(AGI-295373),AGI<=354445),
                          (30722.38 + 0.0113*(AGI-354445),AGI<=590742),
                          (57423.94 + 0.0123*(AGI-590742),AGI<=1000000),
                          (107762.68+ 0.0133*(AGI-1000000), True))

Compare NY vs CA state income tax

In [14]:
MAX_SALARY = 500000
ca_plot = sp.plotting.plot(state_tax_ca.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION), (GI, 0, MAX_SALARY),
                       title='State Income Tax Owed', ylabel='State Tax($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='red', show=False)
ny_plot = sp.plotting.plot(state_tax_ny.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION), (GI, 0, MAX_SALARY),
                       title='State Income Tax Owed', ylabel='State Tax($)', xlabel='GI($)', line_color='green', show=False)

Federal + State tax liability

In [15]:
tax_liability_ca = state_tax_ca + fed_and_FICA
tax_liability_ny = state_tax_ny + fed_and_FICA
In [16]:
tot_tax = sp.plotting.plot(
    tax_liability_ca.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION), 
    tax_liability_ny.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION), 
    (GI, 0, MAX_SALARY), title='GI vs. Total Tax Liability', ylabel='%', xlabel='AGI($)', show=False)
tot_tax[0].line_color = 'red'
In [18]:
tot_perc_plot = sp.plotting.plot(
    tax_liability_ca.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION)/GI,
    tax_liability_ny.subs(deductions, STANDARD_DEDUCTION)/GI,
    (GI, 0, MAX_SALARY), title='% of GI owed in Taxes', ylabel='%', xlabel='GI($)', show=False)
tot_perc_plot[0].line_color = 'red'

The graph above shows the decreasing value of earned income as it reaches a ~40% asymptote. Here are a few notable benchmarks for this given scenario:

  • At ~50k earned income, we pay ~20% in taxes. For every \$1 we earn we get 80¢
  • At ~100k earned income, we pay ~27% in taxes. For every \$1 we earn we get 73¢
  • At ~200k earned income, we pay ~33% in taxes. For every \$1 we earn we get 67¢
  • At ~400k earned income, we pay ~39% in taxes. For every \$1 we earn we get 61¢

This suggests that any investment that increases our gross income should be normalized when compared to an investment that gets taxed at a different rate. For example, and index fund that returns 7% annually vs a long term capital gain that returns 5% anually would become 0.7*(1-0.27) vs 0.5*(1-0.15) because long term capital gains get taxed at 15%*. The after tax normalized comparison would be 5.11% vs 4.25% if our earned income is 100k
At 250k earned income normalizing the same investments above we have: 0.7*(1-0.36) vs 0.5*(1*0.15) or 4.48% vs 4.25%. As you can see, as earned income gross, its become increasingly beneficial to seek sources of income that are

*in 2020, if making between 40,001 to $441,450

In order to reduce our tax liability we can try and change the character of our income. Above, we analyzed ordinary income (wages, salaries, commisions, bonuses, etc). Long term capital gains (assets held for more than a year) are usually taxed at a lower rate

Another way to reduce tax liability is to increase our deductions to an amount greater than STANDARD_DEDUCTION so that it becomes advantageous to itemize instead. Popular tax deductions are:

  • Retirement account contribution (401k, IRA, HSA)
  • Home mortgage (property tax + mortgage interest)
  • Charitable contributions

Rough math on property tax and mortage interest

In [298]:
apy = 0.03892
home_price = 538000
down_payment_perc = 0.20
loan_len_years = 30

avg_ny_prop_tax = 0.01973

# M = P[r(1+r)^n/((1+r)^n)-1)]
monthly_mortgage_payment = (home_price - home_price*down_payment_perc)*( (apy/12)*(1+apy/12)**(loan_len_years*12)/( (1+apy/12)**(loan_len_years*12) -1))
tax_deduction_estiamte = round(monthly_mortgage_payment,3)*12 +  home_price*avg_ny_prop_tax
print("mortgage payment: ${}, property tax: ${}".format(round(monthly_mortgage_payment*12,2), home_price*avg_ny_prop_tax))
print("Guesstimated deductible amount ${}".format(tax_deduction_estiamte))
mortgage payment: $24337.05, property tax: $10614.74
Guesstimated deductible amount $34951.796
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